First place: Apple
Calories ≈ 200 kJ/100g (50 kcal/100g)
Apples can make people’s digestive system get sufficient rest, restore its original function, so that the function can work properly; apples Weight loss The body’s calorie intake is reduced, and the shortage needs to be supplied by the body’s accumulated calories. The so-called accumulated calories in the body is fat. The excess fat in the body is consumed, and naturally, the person gets to lose weight; apple weight loss also enhances the function of the digestive system.
Second place: Grapefruit
Calories ≈ 141.2 kJ/100g (35.3 kcal/100g)
The “grapefruit diet” is a weight-loss recipe that was popular among women in Western countries 30 years ago. A recent study in the United States found that this diet does have its own unique weight loss benefits. Eat half a grapefruit at three normal meals a day, can lose an average of 1.62 kg, good results can be lost up to 4.5 kg.