Obesity is caused by the intake of energy exceeds the consumption of calories, that is, the calories taken from food exceed the consumption of daily activities. People daily intake of food whether it is carbohydrates, fat or protein, such as excess parts, to accumulate in the body, mainly synthesized as the body’s fat. No wonder some people say, obesity is eaten out, lying out.
In summer, because of the hot weather, people sweat more and consume more energy when they are active, and the fat cell metabolism is also faster. Natural obesity degree will also be improved. Also, the summer day time is long, the day is hot also easy to sleep, the body’s metabolism is strong, the relative heat is also increased, on the other hand, the summer weather is hot, people generally appetite, more like to take light food, and light food contains low calories. It can be seen that obese people lose weight in summer, mainly because the body emits more energy than it takes in, which is fully in line with the principle of weight loss.
Understand this reason, in the weight loss can be “pushing the boat”, to achieve the effect of half the effort.
Summer weight loss, first of all, should pay attention to the regulation of diet, eat more low-energy weight loss foods, such as adzuki beans, radish, bamboo shoots, kelp, hawthorn, garlic, pepper, etc., while adhering to certain exercises, such as running, gymnastics, cycling, etc.. Exercise should avoid strenuous exercise, the time is best in the morning before 9:00, more than 10:00, hot sun exposure, not suitable for sports. Good physical condition of obese people, in the summer can adhere to the swimming exercise, swimming is more exercise, the effect of weight loss is more ideal.