Good eating habits can change a person’s health. The following is a collection of 8 dietary habits for you to easily thin, I hope it can help you!
01, do not starve yourself
Yes, it seems a little unbelievable, but the first thing to lose weight is not to starve.
Don’t be happy too early, it’s not that you can eat and drink, people say three points of practice seven points of eating, see how important it is to eat to lose weight. If you want to become thin, not eating is absolutely not possible, but to grasp the trick, to eat the right food, high fiber, no oil and low sugar, but also a small number of meals; once hungry, you have to grab something to eat, a small handful of original almonds (10-12), an apple, a banana, or a cup of low-sugar / sugar-free soy milk, are considered a meal.
You want to trick your body’s self-protective mechanism into thinking it can take in nutrients whenever it wants, so it doesn’t store excess calories and turn them into fat.
Over-starvation will also cause another problem, which is overeating at the first opportunity. We have all been to the supermarket, hungry when looking at everything tastes good, a hungry person to buy food, will definitely buy more than a person who is full. Weight loss is also the same, if too long between meals, will definitely cause the main meal to eat too much. You can drink a large glass of water before the meal to increase the sense of satiety, especially when out socializing, not so hungry, then order food will not order too much.
02. Chew and swallow slowly
This may seem easy, as if it does not help to lose weight, but in fact the impact is greater than you think. Slow down the speed of eating, not only can let the food nutrients better absorbed by the stomach, but also to get a sense of satiety early, swallowing the diet, more like eating with the eyes and head, the body is actually not so hungry, but the mouth just can not stop.
When eating, it is recommended to chew 20 times on each side